Archive for October, 2011

Little Cuts – Plastic Disaster 7″


Coming in December: 3 song EP of loud, chaotic pop from Seattle’s Little Cuts, featuring Dave Hernandez of Scared Of Chaka and The Shins. A-side is a slow building pop jam that would not have sounded too out of place in Broadcast Oblivion’s (Dave’s underrated post-Scared Of Chaka pre-Shins band) set, backed with 2 garage stompers on the B-side. Expect more from this band in 2012.

Sonic Avenues – Television Youth LP/CD


Hot on the heels of November’s release of fellow Canadians (and once-and-future-Euro-tour-mates) The Steve Adamyk Band, January 2012 will see the Dirtnap debut from Montreal’s Sonic Avenues.

Scorching white-hot punk/pop from north of the border, Sonic Avenues not only fit right in on Dirtnap, but in many ways epitomize what the label is all about. More details to follow………….